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Hölscher Jensen Nomination for TDI Awards 2024

A whole year has passed since we celebrated Laura-Maria Florea as the recipient of TDI Awards Young Professional of The Year 2023, and we are extremely proud to once again have a Hölscher Jensen employee nominated in this category.

This year the honor falls to Asta Sekamane, who joined the company last year as a Geologist – and quickly, but surely became an appreciated part of the team. She is a part of the core-team responsible for dewatering at the Nordhavn Tunnel project, where her love for coordination and structure contributes to project management duties, and a positive work environment, while maintaining her main responsibility for Quality Assurance at Denmark’s largest dewatering project.

Join us online for the TDI Awards 2024 on October 2nd, where industry leaders will showcase key projects and celebrate the past years achievements. We are looking forward to celebrating the many deserving nominees, and to learn more about how they have continued to raise the standards for our industry.
